19 Of The Best Games Coming To Steam In 2022

Justin Wack And The Big Time Hack - You aint seen me
You ain't seen me, right? Source: Steam

There’s a wealth of notable titles coming to Steam in 2022, and it’s hard to keep track of things unless you wishlist them. But what if there are some upcoming titles you know diddly-squat about? 

I’ve ‘devised’ a list of predominantly point and click/narrative-driven that are on my list. Quite a few were available to play during The Big Adventure Event – some new, so they’ll be listed in separate write-ups.

Not all have a 2022 release date, so I’ve not included the likes of Slender ThreadsIncantamentumA Trail of Ooze or Space Boat. The latter will be ready when the pizzas are ready.

There are tons more on my list, and I’ve since added loads from The Big Adventure Event. Humour me. I just wanted to add a feature with some recommendations.

Hometopia – ‘Coming Soon’

Hometopia coming 2022
Source: Steam

There was a playable demo of Hometopia a while back, but I missed it and regretted it. In this game from The Isn’t Company, you’ll build a home from scratch – either on your own or with friends online.

Hometopia looks to be the complete package as you can build from the foundations using floorplans through to choosing and placing all the furnishings. This takes the next step up from The Sims and is bound to be a GOTY contender.

Oxenfree II: Lost Signals – 2022

Oxenfree II Lost Signals
Source: PR

Oxenfree is possibly one of the most memorable indie games – especially the soundtrack. Yeah, yeah… change the record – I keep talking bout it, but it’s fantastic. But so is the story.

Anyhoo, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals has been confirmed for multiple platforms and will continue ‘in the same universe’, introducing new characters. Boy, am I looking forward to this.

Planet of Lana – Late 2022

Planet Of Lana - Stealth tactics
Source: Thunderful Games

Announced by Thunderful mid-last year, Planet of Lana is a mouth-watering cinematic adventure featuring a score by Takeshi Furukawa (composer of The Last Guardian – among many others).

An off-world odyssey, you play as Lana, who sets out to save her sister, accompanied by her animal friend Mui. It’s a side-scrolling puzzle adventure, and you know what? Just watch the trailer and wishlist it.

Pants Quest – Feb 2022 (possibly March?)

Pants Quest coming to Steam
Source: Steam

One man’s journey to locate his pants (trousers), Pants Quest doesn’t deviate from its purpose in the slightest. Especially when it’s an ’emotional journey’.

Using old school point and click visuals with a Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders verb interface (yay! First McKraken reference for 2022), this retro title from Ghost Cat Games looks like a lot of fun and should be on your wishlist if you’re an old school fan.

The Wreck – Spring

The Wreck Heading To Steam In 2022
Source: PR

‘An emotional rollercoaster’ comes to mind with The Pixel Hunt’s latest title. Following failed screenwriter Junon’s like, players will get to shape her present-day by reliving the past and embracing the future.

The trailer, as per the previous write-up, is massively dramatic and could swing on the melancholy string, but we’ll have to find out sometime in the Spring. Regardless, this could be a powerful experience.


DROS demo
Source: Steam

The artwork caught my attention in a Twitter feed, so I promptly added this to my Steam wishlist. At the time of writing, there’s a playable demo available where you get to play both characters – Captain and Little Dros.

DROS is a charming title with familiar mechanics, and at an enjoyable pace, and of course, featuring some gorgeous visuals – both the 3D gameplay and intercut visual dialogue bits.

The Night Is Grey – 2022

The Night Is Grey - Hannah and her friend
Hannah and her friend. Source: Steam

Brought to my attention by the developers (thanks, Whalestork Interactive), this is another point and click that I enjoyed playing before the recent adventure event.

As Graham, you awake in a forest, swiftly befriending a young girl left in a seemingly abandoned home. The character illustrations are a highlight, and the self-effacing protagonist makes this an adventure firmly on the list.

Best Month Ever! – 5th May 2022

Best Month Ever!
Source: Steam

Could it be September? That’s certainly my favourite as the new catalogues are out, the best shows start again, and the weather is bright but has enough of a chill to make you feel alive. Oh, wait – it’s the Best Month Ever! game.

I can’t recall how I found out about this – it certainly wasn’t the title, and re-reading the blurb ‘What will you do if you have a month left?’, it’s not the most uplifting pitch. However, I suggest you hop on to the Steam page and see why this is on my list.

Conscript – 2022

Conscript Preview
Source: Steam

Repeating myself here, but Conscript must go on your wishlist. Bear in mind that that doesn’t mean you have to buy it on release, but if you do wishlist it, it’s not going to be something you’ll wait for in a sale.

I’ve covered this before, and since the first demo, there have been some big updates. 

Unusual Findings – 2022

Unusual Findings
Unusual Findings. Source: Steam

From the studio that brought us Darkestville Castle comes a throwback to all that was glorious about the 80s: bad haircuts, cassette tapes, authentic, long-lasting friendships, and the Golden Fleece journey: locating porno mags in the wild.

You could throw so many titles at Unusual Findings, but the most recent one would probably be Stranger Things. That’s accurate, but there’s so much more to this point and click. Wishlist it, download the demo, wash your hands.

ANNO Mutationem – Q1 2022

ANNO: Mutationem Demo - Eavesdropping
Eavesdropping. Source: Screen capture

I had a quick go of the demo just before putting this list together, which got me pretty excited. You’ll most likely know that I’m not the biggest pixel art fan, but the way it’s used here is wicked.

Set in the future, you play Ann, who is infected by an unknown illness – blah blah blah… I’m saying my finger fatigue for the write-up, which I plan to do in a couple of hours. If you’re reading this while The Big Adventure Event is still running, try the demo for yourself.

Rhythm Towers – 2022

Rhythm Towers set for 2022
Source: Steam

Once again, note that there’s a bias with me on point and click games, as well as tower defences, and Rhythm Towers is most definitely one that should be on your list if you’re a fan of the genre (the latter).

Currently in development, the game is picking up momentum and showcased at several shows. It’s only a matter if time for a demo to appear, so wishlist it and beat me to posting an article on it!

Airport Renovator – 2022

Airport Renovator Preview - Caption generator
Caption generator. Source: Steam

A bit on the fence with this one. I don’t go out of my way to play simulator games, but they tend to be the type of games I play more than any other genre – and that includes point and clicks.

There’s something about that repetitive motion that’s relaxing, and here’s it’s a familiar muscle memory of pressure washers and cutting back weeds. But is it any different from the rest? It doesn’t matter: if there’s a chance to play the full game, I’m all over it.

Jennifer Wilde: Unlikely Revolutionaries – 2022

Jennifer Wilde Unlikely Revolutionaries Is A Supernatural Point And Click Coming To Steam In 2021
Source: Steam

Another title that’s been on my radar since the first press release, Jennifer Wilde: Unlikely Revolutionaries is one of those titles that immediately appealed – what with its black and white presentation and hand-drawn aesthetics.

You can overlook that this is a point and click (it’s a no-brainer), but don’t omit the concept. Set in 1921, you play the titular Jennifer as she gets wrapped up in death, espionage and revolution – all with the assistance of Oscar Wilde’s ghost. Genius.

Justin Wack and the Big Time Hack – Spring (or Summer) 2022

Justin Wack And The Big Time Hack Preview
Source: Steam

Asides from having the best first name any adventurer, or human, could ever have, Justin Wack and the Big Time Hack is a beautiful point and click adventure with its fair share of humour and challenges.

While the demo was relatively brief, it broke the fourth wall with hilarious results and therefore got my vote. Add this to your wishlist, play the demo, change your name to Justin…

Tamarindos Freaking Diner – 14th July 2022

Tamrindos Freaking Diner
Source: Steam

More than anything, the thumbnail lured me in better than a banner encouraging me to buy some pills to give me a foot long. It’s classic 90s a la Rocko’s Modern Life and promotes itself as a combination of a 90s sitcom, Luigi’s Mansion and the tabletop Clue!

While the latter appeals to me as much as a fart (someone else’s) in a lift, the rest of this looks great, and publisher Neon Doctrine often backs some great titles (The Legend of Tianding). I have every confidence in this upcoming point and click, and all the merrier now that I see there’s a playable demo on offer…

Midnight Girl – 2022

Midnight Girl coming in 2022
Source: Steam

Developer Italic is actively posting on Twitter the current development of Midnight Girl, and it’s looking ace. I’m not one for social media, but when I do hang about, their account is one of my favourites to check out.

But more importantly, what’s the game? It’s a 2D point and click adventure set in France during the 1960s, taking inspiration from Belgian comics. I can’t fault the art style – it’s stunning, and confident that this cat burglar tale will be a blast.

Lord Winklebottom Investigates – Q1 2022

Lord Winklebottom Investigates Demo - Porklife
Porklife. Source: Screen capture

Lord Winklebottom and Dr Frumple showed their faces during The Big Aventure Event, so naturally, I gave it a go.

The visuals are nice, and despite the comical title and supporting characters, the demo didn’t feel silly as such, and I enjoyed my brief playtime with it. Just not so sure about the zooming feature.

Who’s Lila? – February 2022

Who's Lila? - Surprised
Surprised to see me? Source: Screen capture

Undoubtedly ‘my thing’, Who’s Lila? is unlike any other point and click adventure I’ve played. It looks like it’s straight from the days of the 286 (ask your grandparents), yet it looks so… beautiful. Especially as you interact with characters by literally manipulating your facial expressions.

David Lynch comes to mind, and in fear of that seeming like a lazy comparison, that’s to attach a label to give you an idea of the absurdity of it all. Honestly, I’m super excited for when this comes out.