A Pun-Filled Time With Eggsplosive Racing In Eggcelerate

A Pun-Filled Time With Eggsplosive Racing In Eggcelerate
Source: Steam

It’s illegal in some countries not to make egg puns with a game such as Eggcelerate, but there are too many to be eggnored, sets let’s do this in moderation.

I’ve reviewed Eggcelerate! here

Eggciting news (I can go all day) hit the stands last week about the time trial racer. Still, the accompanying details were stripped of anything particularly informative other than this being set in ‘pastel-colored low-poly environments’.

So, with investigative journalism, the rest of the deets are from Steam, as Eggcelerate, from Tim Beaudet, is worthy of coverage, in one’s humble opinion, and the concept is pretty funny and should be eggsplored further.

Eggcelerate - Loopy
Loopy. Source: Steam

What’s so special about this game is it relives the old egg and spoon race, only into a more relatable game experience using cars. Transport your egg across an obstacle course without is breaking, and boom! You’re a winner. Oh, and you need to do it in the fastest time possible.

A non-eggshaustive list of features in Eggcelerate:

  • Devious Obstacle Courses – Jumps, hammers, punching gloves, fallen trees, saws and more will get in the way of safely delivering your egg this Easter!
  • Customize Your Ride – Discover your favorite car, egg and bowl combinations whilst overcoming the challenges of each track to unlock the new options.
  • Master Your Racing Skills – Delivering an Easter egg requires smooth driving to keep the egg safe and balanced. This is a useful skill for driving a real racecar at the limit too!
  • Perfect for Live Streaming – Game was designed for streamer reactions and your audience will laugh and feel your pain as you try again and again!
  • Keep it Alive – The most prestigious achievement ever; consecutively completing all 30 tracks without dropping a single egg!

Trailer below:

Yolking over, puns achieved, audience dropped, and my dad status for jokes are forever immortalised. If you like games with eggs, wishlist Eggcelerate on Steam now, out at the end of the month.