A Tale Of Paper PS4 Review: No Risk Of Paper Cuts

A Tale Of Paper PS4 Review: No Risk Of Paper Cuts
Source: PR

Other than the latest reviews, deciding on what to play is like selecting what to watch through countless trailers on Netflix, Amazon Prime or Disney+. A Tale Of Paper, from Open House Studio, was a game on my to-do list that I’ve finally got around to finishing.

Believe it or not, you play a paper doll – not one of those origami types, but more of a papier-mache model without the rigidity. There’s no explanation for being animated, but one thing is sure: you have to get the hell out of Dodge.

Left in a seemingly abandoned home full of boxes (either the people are moving in, out, or it’s a storage area), the setting you’re trying to get through is relatively dangerous with the threat of being chopped up by automated vacuum cleaners or soaked in water.

A Tale Of Paper PS4 Review

It’s quite problematic with the jumping elements in some early stages as you can’t rotate the cameras in this 3D side-scrolling platformer. Climbing up beams and stairs is confusing as there will be gaps in-between that you can’t always see.

A Tale Of Paper - Spring clean
A Spring clean. Source: PR

Though paper can be torn and soaked, it’s the equivalent of diamond In A Tale Of Paper as you’re safe from falls, though not so much the wet, so leave the budgie smugglers at home. If you do cock up an area, you’ll return to the most recent checkpoint. There are no real consequences, and for the majority of the game, it’s quite a tranquil experience. But don’t switch off yet.

There are no real consequences, and for the majority of the game, it’s quite a tranquil experience.

As mentioned, there isn’t much explanation to the story, though it steadily makes sense – not that it has to. The ambiguity in the game is intriguing. A Tale Of Paper has plenty of opportunities for you to fill in the gaps without correcting your imagination. By the end, you kinda feel quite good about yourself.

Mighty Morphin’ Paper

Anyway, the game. Aside from your paper doll manifestation, you can also morph into several other objects/life forms. This shapeshifting is gradually unlocked through level progression, shifting to a new set of forms about mid-way through the game.

One of the forms in A Tale Of Paper is a frog, another a rocket ship, and they all have a button combo to perform in short bursts. Each has a purpose, like reaching an elevated position or getting through a gap. They’re quite ingenious, and sometimes I wanted a few more chances to fly as a paper aeroplane.

A Tale Of Paper - Rooftops
Up on the roof. Source: PR

A Tale Of Paper can be finished in one sitting. While I have a completionist mentality, I don’t have that many platinum trophies. That’s a mild excuse for being a bit rubbish, but also because of having enough time. Have you seen how many games I get through?

Paper Worth Its Weight In Gol- Platinum

Still, I managed to get a platinum in A Tale Of Paper. The only challenge was having to repeat a few areas but made easier once you finish the game as you can jump into individual chapters. 

In many ways, this tale feels a bit like Baby’s Day Out, or one of those other stories where the hero leaves their comfort zone, often crossing perilous paths…

In many ways, this tale feels a bit like Baby’s Day Out, or one of those other stories where the hero leaves their comfort zone, often crossing perilous paths, with some enchanting representations of sewers systems and rooftops. I hope you like spiders.

A little linear in its approach, A Tale Of Paper still manages to tell a pleasant story in a short space of time that will have you smiling by the end. If you feel nothing, you’re going in the shredder. 

A Tale Of Paper - Boxes
Big fish, little fish, cardboard box. Source: PR

I don’t have a target word count to fill here, and any more waffle and it’s just for the sake of it. 

A Tale Of Paper Review Summary

A Tale Of Paper is a charming short journey that bigs up the paper crew. Though brief, it is a memorable one where you remember who you felt more than anything. Just don’t hang around the sewers waiting for turtles. Enchanting.

The score totals a 7 out of 10