A Trail Of Ooze: Got Milk?

A Trail Of Ooze: Got Milk?
Source: Steam

How many of us can devise a quick anecdote of a sarcastic cow? Is that a British thing? The thing is, A Trail of Ooze is a Swedish (ish) venture from Insanto Studios, but before we cover the logistics, this is all about a point and click.

The cow in question isn’t a mother-in-law or ex, but Majros – an actual cow on a mission to save their hooman. Unravelling conspiracies and battling social injustices is exactly what my expectations are for a point and click with a bovine at the helm. I’m just overthinking the ooze thing and hope it’s just milk.

What can we expect from A Trail of Ooze? Here are some key features:

  • Colourful hand-drawn graphics,
  • A simple one-click interface,
  • Roughly 8 hours of varied gameplay,
  • A graphical quest log, hot-spot highlighters and mini-map fast-travel,
  • And tons of clever references and story-rich characters.

Here are some of the hand-drawn pictures in action:

What’s it like to be amongst the elite and get exclusives on the best point and clicks? The same as you! A Trail of Ooze is currently in a Kickstarter campaign, so if it piques your interest, head on over there now and get out your wallet. Not convinced? Check out the demo on Steam now!