Aerial Knights Never Yield Is A Kickass Runner Out This Month

Aerial Knights Never Yield out this month
Source: Steam

Aerial Knights Never Yield encourages you to never give up as it releases this month on PC and consoles. It’s an absolute corker of a runner game.

First available on Steam during one of the many game festivals, this title from Headup Games has that same sort of finesse as Jet Set Radio with its cartoon-like visuals and an upbeat score, though it’s a different format.

Aerial Knights Never Yield - Run!
Run! Source: Steam

As the protagonist Wally, you have to run for your life – often outrunning your pursuers or getting one up on them in one of the boss-like modes. Much like any runner type game, Wally will be in perpetual motion, your role is to follow the QTE prompts and get him to safety.

The game is currently in development by basically just myself with a lot of help from some of my amazing friends when I need it. This is a passion project of mine and I hope you all enjoy it when it’s out.


Aerial Knights Never Yield oozes coolness, and if you have a Steam account, I urge you to play the demo (link at the bottom). Here it is in motion:

You’ll be able to pick up Aerial Knights Never Yield for Steam, Nintendo Switch, and cross-buy for PS4/5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S from the 19th of May.