Against The Storm - A Little Rain Never Hurt Anyone

Against The Storm in Early Access
Source: PR

Here’s a quick way to get your game in digital print: follow me as Eremite Games did; I’ll see that your Early Access title Against The Storm is out, then I’ll write about it.

You don’t have to follow me; it just makes it easy for me to write about the type of stuff I enjoy.

Against The Storm is a city builder (yay!) in a fantasy world where it never stops raining (ahhhh!). But, as a native to Blighty, a spot of rain never bothered me, nor should it you, as this has rogue-lite elements too – what’re a few raindrops?

We all have our guilty pleasures, and when it comes to gaming, I love RTS titles but have a habit of getting too absorbed. There’s no exception here as you can build an endless chain of cities, plus it’s procedurally generated. Every day is not exactly the same, Mr Reznor.

Key features in Against The Storm include:

  • Construct an endless number of cities in a colony-building game amped up with roguelite replayability
  • Meet the needs of the growing population of beavers, humans, and lizardfolk
  • Tame the three rain seasons which dictate the life of your settlements
  • Permanently upgrade your Citadel while the recurring Blightstorm reshapes the World Map
  • Adapt to the constantly changing conditions influenced by random perks, blueprint drafting, and combos
  • Thrive or suffer from procedurally-generated content on glades you explore in Dungeon Keeper-style

Here’s a trailer:

You can wishlist Against The Storm on Steam, but note that the Early Access is exclusive to Epic Games Store. You can follow the rabbit by clicking on the link (it’s not porn).