Airport Renovator Demo - Lots Of Weed

Airport Renovator Demo - Lots Of Weed
Source: Steam

Who doesn’t like a simulator title? I don’t know. It’s rhetorical. If you’re a bit like me and enjoy pouring the hours away into cleaning and renovating ‘stuff’, may I suggest the Airport Renovator demo?

The demo begins when you’re parachuted into a derelict airport in the middle of nowhere. It sounds exhilarating but you’re not there to overthrow a bunch of guerillas. Instead, you’re there to get your weed wacker out. That’s not a euphemism.

Airport Renovator is in the incredibly familiar mould of everything else before it: House Flipper, Ship Graveyard Simulator, Gas Station Simulator, but no grandfather connection. There’s that running theme, eh? Essentially you have to clear everything up to an acceptable standard and be on your way.

Airport Renovator Preview - Caption generator
Caption generator. Source: Steam

In the demo, tasks include blowing sand off the runway, cutting away weeds, blasting exteriors with a pressure washer, and removing all waste with an axe. So manly. Naturally, it’s a little therapeutic repeating these actions, but they can drag a little. Note that there isn’t any placement of objects in the demo, just cleaning, but it’s still worth a look.

Visually it’s a little better than most, and I’d argue that most simulation games look the part. I played in Epic or Ultra, and the experience was very good. The only niggle, if that, would be this irritating bloody goat you have to ‘rescue’ off a roof. When you do secure their safety, it gets in your way, bleeting every five minutes. Alas, the axe doesn’t work on it.

But that’s not the most peculiar of sounds. Instead, it’s the voice of your character who sounds like an extra from World of Warcraft, or perhaps Overwatch or similar. The voice talent would be best suited to another airport takeover type – something like Just Cause or sumink. That’s it, really.

Airport Renovator Preview - Business is quiet
Business is quiet. Source: Steam

Anyway, a quick write-up on Two Horizons’ Airport Renovator: if you can’t get enough of these simulators, this might be the next vehicle-related one (Train Station Renovation) for your wishlist.