Akira Yamaoka To Score Psychological Horror Stray Souls

Akira Yamaoka To Score Psychological Horror Stray Souls
Source: Steam

Hearing (ha!) that Akira Yamaoka is attached to Stray Souls is too good to be true, but ’tis true. The infamous composer from Silent Hill scores the upcoming psychological horror from Jukai Studio and Versus Evil, which will be amazing.

You may know the composer from other titles, such as the more recent The Medium or Suda51’s Lollipop Chainsaw, so it’s guaranteed to set the tone. But what’s it all about? I mentioned it in a previous post, but here’s the skinny.

Stray Souls is about a teenager named Daniel who inherits a property from his estranged grandmother. Upon moving in, he meets Martha, and before you can say ‘in hindsight’, Daniel encounters some secrets he ‘cannot seem to outrun’.

Check out the trailer, y’all:

Stray Souls is coming in the Autumn to PC, PlayStation and Xbox. A release date has yet to be confirmed.