Awwww - Animal Shelter Puppies and Kittens DLC Out This Month

Animal Shelter Puppies and Kittens DLC
Source: Steam

Need a cuteness fix for Animal Shelter? Good news: the Puppies and Kittens DLC is coming to Steam later this month, courtesy of Games Incubator

As one could surmise, this additional content focuses on cute lil’ puppies and kittens, doing the same thing as before, settling them into their home at the animal shelter, and then finding them a forever home with a loving new owner.

Animal Shelter – Puppies and Kittens DLC also introduces new buildings and decorations. See that featured image for this post? You can have the same decor with the DLC. Besides that, there are new mechanics, too. There’s toppling, aggressive biting, escapes and new animations. And wait until you hear about the animals…

Here’s an Animal Shelter – Puppies and Kittens DLC trailer:

The DLC will be available from Steam on the 25th of July.