Swingers Assemble: Apple Slash On Consoles This Week

Swingers Assemble: Apple Slash On Consoles This Week
Source: Ratalaika Games

Apple Slash is not usually two words that go together. When was the last time you saw an Apple sale? Oh wait – it’s Ratalaika Game’s new title coming to consoles this Friday.

Developed by Agelvik, you play as an almighty apple knight that wields a powerful sword, armed to push back an invasion of ‘mysterious, charming creatures in a vast murky marshland’. Could they have siren traits if charming?

Apple Slash - I got no body
I got no body. Source: Ratalaika Games

The sword you employ in Apple Slash boasts some innovative attack mechanics as it’s possible to modify one swing with several skills using the rotating blade. Said skills can be acquired through the swamps and defeating the enemies.

Key features in Apple Slash include:

  • God-like slash-based combat
  • Befriend charming creatures
  • Acquire powerful destructive skills
  • Roam freely in a vast ancient marshland
  • Memorable encounters and challenges

Here’s a trailer:

Apple Slash is available on PS4/5, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One/Series X this July 30th 2021, and will be priced at an affordable 4.99 $/€ for all platforms.