Are You Ready For Another Bar Game?

Another Bar Game
Source: Steam

Another Bar Game? Are you kidding me!?! Calm down, calm down – it’s the name of the game, and we’ve hardly been inundated with booze-infused titles besides the excellent Dude, Where Is My Beer? 

Nice plug there, as it’s the same developer, Arik Games, and our favourite pilsner hunter makes a cameo, too. But enough about the past – let’s look to the future of bartending.

As Frank, we’ve been recruited as the local bar boy and have to pull pints, replace stock, and ensure the establishment is all tickety-boo; otherwise, you’re out on your arse.

But enough with the words? Where’s the Another Bar Game trailer? Why here, of course:

Another Bar Game is coming to Steam in October. Make sure to try out the demo, wishlist it, and smirk when you see a quote made by yours truly on the store page. Ta-ta!