Atomicrops Ripe For Picking In May


Sure, the farming simulator is a viable formula in the world of gaming these days, but wouldn’t you prefer to be able to ward off nasties with a gun instead of a watering can? Atomicrops does just that.

It’s post-apocalypse time, and to survive, the remnants of society make the most of what is left of the remaining farm animals.

Unfortunately for you, this new era brings mutated beasts intent on stopping your progress, and you, therefore, have to battle the swarms while protecting the last remaining farm on Earth.

A bit dramatic. Where are all the pubs in Atomicrops?

Even with a little glimpse into this in-development title, Atomicrops looks like publishers Raw Fury are submissive in the fact that the developers have taken elements from Stardew Valley, thrown in a bit of a Splattoon like palette and upped the energy by 11.

Atomicrops - Married
Just married. Source: PR

But Atomicrops isn’t all about the crops and blasting mutated lifeforms. In this picturesque scenario is the best time for romance to flourish, marrying a local while all this is going on. 

It makes me gush thinking of all the elements; potatoes, compost, mutant cows… it’s all so romantic.

Here are just some of the things to expect in Atomicrops, features list courtesy of the official site:

  • Farm – Reap a bountiful harvest to sustain humanity… and make a huge profit. Spend your money on gun and equipment upgrades to increase your yield.
  • Marry – Woo and marry a kindred spirit from the local town to fight and farm alongside you. 
  • Kill – Fight bizarre post-nuclear pests starving for a piece of your crops. Turn your enemies into fertilizer to maximize your harvest quality. 
  • Upgrade – Explore the far reaches of the biomes to find useful relics of farms long past. Discover rusty farm equipment, antique gardening tools, and tomes of how-to garden guides to increase your farming power.  
  • Befriend – Recruit an entourage of pig pals, chicken chums and cow colleagues to automate farming tasks. Cultivating atomicrops is a tough job, you’ll need all the help you can get.

To see a peek of the gameplay in motion, check out the trailer below:

We can expect to see Atomicrops on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC – exclusive to the Epic Games Store, on the 28th May 2020.