Autobahn Police Simulator 2 Caught Speeding On The Switch

Autobahn Police Simulator 2 Caught Speeding On The Switch
Source: PR

Eff the police? How rude! Don’t you know they patrol our motorways, highways and now autobahns for our protection? It’s true: Autobahn Police Simulator 2 for the Switch confirms it.

You might have heard about this already, as I believe it was on PlayStation as well (can’t be bothered to check), but definitely on PC. If you’re not familiar with the autobahn, it’s a legal speed circuit in Germany for hooning it. Ok, so it’s not a speed circuit, but drivers go ridiculously fast.

Though these roads are notoriously fast, they’re also some of the safest – undoubtedly due to the police that patrols them. Add Autobahn Simulator 2 in the text. Done it? Good.

The release of Autobahn Police Simulator 2 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox consoles has shown that police simulators on consoles are very well received by gamers. After several 100.000 sold copies we can’t wait to finally introduce the simulator to Nintendo Switch owners as well.

Andreas Heldt, CEO of Z-Software

Besides the high-speed chases, there are vehicles searches and more in Autobahn Police Simulator 2, including a free mode and over 20 missions riding in a radio patrol car, civil car, and meat wagon, a.k.a. police van. Here’s some action (an old trailer, but you get the gist):

Now I’ve got to the bottom, I can confirm that Z-Software’s title is on the PS4 and Xbox. It’ll hit the Switch from the 24th of February.