Away The Survival Series Is A Breathtaking Example On How Great Nature Is

Away The Survival Series Is A Breathtaking Example On How Great Nature Is
Source: PR

Away The Survival Series is an upcoming title from Breaking Walls, due for release on the PS4 and PC in early 2021.

What an impressive looking title. Playing out like an interactive nature documentary, you play as a sugar glider, avoiding all forms of predators through stealth, gliding gently through the forest.

Narrated throughout as you play along, Away The Survival Series is set in the near future when nature has reclaimed the planet – a proper fantasy tale which would be too good to be true. 

Away The Survival Series - Sugar Glider
Sugar glider. Source: PR

As the sugar glider, you go on a journey to rescue your family, hunting down creatures further down the food chai, jumping, climbing and solving puzzles in the wilderness. 

In addition to the remnants left behind by the fall of humanity, players will also get to play other creatures, albeit briefly, such as insects, lizards, foxes, crabs and more.

Away The Survival Series is the complete package, with music composed by the same composer who helmed Life and Planet Earth II. Other key features include:

  • Single-player, 5-10 hours of gameplay
  • Play as a sugar glider on a journey to save its family
  • Nature documentary narration follows your journey into the wild
  • Run, jump, climb, and glide through an organic, living world
  • Interact with an ecosystem of 20+ animals and insects
  • Short sequences where you can play as other animals and insects, such as beetles, lizards, foxes, crabs, and more
  • Explore vast environments and embark on various side quests to uncover the mysteries of a world humans left behind
  • Enchanting orchestral soundtrack by award-winning composer Mike Raznick (who also worked on BBC’s Life and Planet Earth II)

We want AWAY: The Survival Series to truly embody the wonder, majesty, and perils of the natural world. We look forward to showing you more when AWAY launches in early 2021.

Breaking Walls Co-Founder and Creative Director Laurent Bernier

As a bonus, Breaking Walls have released som relaxing nature soundscapes that you can download for free here (I signed up, and you get staggered releases of the sounds of nature):

Check out the unreal gameplay trailer below:

Aiming for a release in early 2021, Away The Survival Series will be coming to the PlayStation 4 and PC.