Bang-On Balls Chronicles Whips Them Out Next Month In Early Access

Bang-On Balls Chronicles out next month
Source: Steam

There are bags of ball jokes in Exit Plan Games’ new title Bang-On Balls Chronicles, that it’s beneath me to make any sort of jokes about it. This 3D platformer is nuts.

Heading to Steam Early Access next month, this ‘ball-banging’ 3D platformer has been instigated by two tippety tip-top developers who’ve had the delight of working with some well-known game studios and triple-A titles.

Bang-On Balls Chronicles - Destruction derby
Destruction derby! Source: Steam

Bang-On Balls Chronicles is their first studio title, and it’s inspired by some of the most beloved platform titles out there, set in historically (in)accurate settings where you bash your balls about and cause havoc on your own or co-op.

Key features in Bang-On Balls Chronicles include:

  • Glorious 3D Ball-Banging platforming action as you become a reckless hero in a series of (slightly inaccurate) historical-based events!
  • Vast open stages to explore, each set in a different time period, with fun items and weapons to collect to give you an edge during combat…or just to destroy your environment!
  • Pick your own country, customize your character and play with incredible next-gen, state-of-the-art, highly advanced… uhhmm… balls.
  • Grow, shrink, smash, bash down the environment, the world is your destructible playground!
  • Beautifully stylized graphics. Balls were never so shiny before!
  • Stand out with your look in up to 4 ball-friends multiplayer, while helping out each other complete unique challenges.
  • Loosely inspired by a worldwide phenomenon called memes. Are you familiar with the concept? We love it.
  • It teaches history. Well, kinda… Not really… But it has historical levels.


Bang-On Ball Chronicles hits Steam Early Access shelves on the 3rd of March.