Bang-On Balls: Chronicles Pirate Expansion Now Live!

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles pirate expansion
Source: Steam

Oh, if there were only a few more hours in the days, and days in the week, I’d already be giving you my thoughts on Bang-On Balls: Chronicles pirate expansion, which is out now.

Exit Plan Games and Untold Tales’ title is one of the best open-world platformers out there, and the levels are enormous! However, I can’t tell you first-hand as I haven’t had a chance. Beat me to it, though and check it out yourself!

In the meantime, check out the latest trailer from this ‘98% overwhelmingly positive’ rating from 1400+ Steam reviewers. Maybe 1401 – I love it!

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles pirate expansion is live now. The main feature is in Early Access, and if you’re asking me, I say invest, invest, invest!