Bartlow's Dread Machine Out Today On Steam and Xbox One

Bartlow's Dread Machine Out Today On Steam and Xbox One
Source: Steam

Vintage arcade shooter Bartlow’s Dread Machine reaches Steam and Xbox One today and if you’re down for some real steampunk action, look no further than this early 20th-century parlour game.

In Early Access since the summer, this shooter from Tribetoy and Beep Games Inc. includes six chapters set in New York, San Francisco and the rest of the continent in a quest to rescue President Roosevelt. You could leave him be, but that wasn’t coded in.

‘Navigate this immersive puppet show’ as you control metal figurines that move around on rails, dressed in peacoats and armed to the teeth, punishing many monsters and historical characters such as Zombie General Custer, Nikola Tesla and Annie Oakley – designer of some quality eyewear.

Bartlow's Dread Machine - Rails
On/off the rails? Source: Steam

With over six worlds and a whopping 52 guns, plenty of outfits and drop-in/out couch play for your much better mate to get you past a touch area, or to woo your significant other to join the dark side of gaming, there’s simply a lot on offer. 

If time weren’t a factor, I’d be providing a more detailed review on this, alas…

We wanted to create something we haven’t seen before and realized there was little overlap between early 20th century arcade cabinets and video games, as the latter essentially replaced the former, so we wanted to essentially combine the two.

Matthew Hoseterey Co-Founder and Director of Design at Tribetoy

Would you like to see a trailer? Would you?

Bartlow’s Dread Machine is out now on Steam and Xbox One. Here’s a little ‘ol link to Steam to save your fingers.