Batora Lost Haven Introduces A Mind And Body Duality Mechanic

Batora Lost Haven Introduces A Mind And Body Duality Mechanic
Source: Steam

Whether or not cinematic trailers represent gameplay or not, it’s still good enough to get you stoked for a game. In this case, it’s Stormind Games’ story-driven RPGBatora Lost Haven.

In the game you’ll play as 16-year-old Avril, the only person able to save Earth from its inevitable oblivion. But she’s not going to be staying in one spot and instead will travel to colourful and mysterious planets, meeting intriguing characters along the way.

Here’s how Batora Lost Haven differs from other titles: duality. Splitting between mind and body, players will have to find the perfect balance, so they work in harmony. Every action she takes leads to a consequence that may even be life-changing.

The journey which Avril takes in Batora really focuses on the need for a strategic dualism – mastering the balance between the physical and the mental – whilst presenting a multi-branching, narrative full of consequences, rich in plot twists and credible, like-able characters.

Giacomo Masi, Narrative Designer

From that quote alone, it sounds like a winner. How about watching the cinematic here:

Batora Lost Haven will be coming to PC, PS4 and PS5, Xbox One and X, and the Nintendo Switch.