Beacon Pines Is Winnie-the-Pooh Meets Stranger Things?

Beacon Pines coming in 2022
Source: Steam

Ooh – the video for Beacon Pines looks so beautiful until you collect your first turd. Now, this is a game immediately on the want list – all shitty jokes aside.

Coming to PC and the Nintendo Switch at the start of 2022, this indie title from Hiding Spot Games has just revealed that publisher Fellow Traveller (Paradise KillerGenesis Noir and Kraken Academy) are onboard, which is excellent, as they tend to pick out some of the best narrative-driven stories – take Neo Cab, for example.

Beacon Pines - No you stop
No, you stop. Source: Steam

But what the funk is Beacon Pines? I’ll tell ya. In short, it’s Winnie-the-Pooh meets Stranger Things. Should I continue? On the surface, it’s a cute, beautifully illustrated storybook, but scratch that pleasantry away (note the turd in the video below), and you have a creepy title with a focus on exploration – there’s no combat.

Here are the deets:

  • No combat – gameplay focuses on exploration, deep character-driven dialogue, and light puzzle-solving
  • Explore an illustrated town full of charming characters – and unnerving secrets
  • Change past events by turning back the storybook, uncovering new branches
  • Discover new words and use them to write (and rewrite) the game’s story
  • Coming to PC and Nintendo Switch in 2022!! (more platforms possible)
  • Made by Hiding Spot Games, a three-person dev team

And a trailer?

Beacon Pines will be heading to both the PC and Nintendo Switch in the early part of 2022. If you want to set a reminder or even play the demo, hop on to the Steam page (also available on