Behind The Frame Gets A Release Date

Behind The Frame coming late August
Source: Steam

Behind The Frame is one of the top dogs on my watchlist right now, since first hearing about it via co-publisher Akupara Games

As a household of arty-fartys, Silver Lining Studio’s upcoming title could not be more suited for us, as you have to assist an artist in finishing her final submissions for an art exhibition. Only, it’s not at easy as just getting it done.

Behind The Frame - Inspirational cat
Inspirational cat. Source: Steam

Anyone who has struggled with creativity, which is like saying anyone who starts their morning with a cup of coffee, will know that inspiration, work ethics (i.e. procrastination – Netflix on your work machine doesn’t help), and outside distractions can spoil your flow – especially with neighbours and their bloody cats.

For once, that isn’t one of my anecdotes, but a hurdle for you to overcome in Behind The Frame as you guide each brushstroke to solve a series of puzzles. With hand-animated visuals, a chill vibe and a smooth easy-listening soundtrack, I’m going to have to get another towel to stop all this drooling.

Check out the trailer for yourself:

And what better way to finish this news about Behind The Frame with a release date instead of ‘coming soon’? Great news: it’s set for a release on PC on the 25th of August, so wishlist it now, and in the meantime, try out the demo!