Behold The Kickmen Out This Month on Switch

Behold The Kickmen Out This Month on Switch

Get your balls ready, Behold the Kickmen hits the Switch, and other players’ nuts this month.

Why so aggressive? Have you seen the cutscenes for this? One of the players takes a punt to the cojones, like a boss.

This could be the greatest football game ever. At least on paper.

…it’s a football game as far as I can tell, but it’s really more of a statement, you know? Like a piece of art, it speaks truth to powerful football people about the incessant permeation of their boring, boring sport into my everyday life, and it’s very much about how I, personally, am quite fed up with it.

Dan Marshall of Size Five Games

I have to say that I love football games – I don’t know why, as the above statement pretty much resonates with me to some extent, but I do love a good footy game on the ‘puter.

Despite the somewhat downplay statement, the game does look a lot of fun, regardless of Dan’s stance and quite frankly, I want to play Behold the Kickmen. Now.

Behold the Kickmen - Banter
It’s all about the banter, init? Source: PR

It’s not likely to win over the FIFA tribes due to their allegiances with the franchise, but for ordinary folk like yours truly, I’m dusting off a space for top football title on the Switch.

Dan will get an award for best effort, at the least:

It’s faster, snappier, and there’s also a cheat menu, which all helps make it a bit more fun if you get tired.

Referring to the Ultimate Football Edition of the game.

Behold the Kickmen is a revolutionary title as it features kicking in the game, as well as passing.

This is something else.

I’ve played the trailer a couple of times now as this has to have the best crowd voices in a football – not this white noise tat that’s prevalent in every match.

Have a look at the Behold the Kickmen trailer yourself and listen out for the crowd – it’s brilliant:

When does the chaos begin? The 18th of June on the Nintendo eShop!