How Ya Like Dem Apples? Bit Orchard: Animal Valley

Bit Orchard Animal Valley
Source: RedDeer Games

You get a next-gen console and play Game Boy-inspired titles such as Bit Orchard: Animal Valley. Are you quite mad? Of course, you’re not.

We all have our vintage, and whether you were around when the Game Boy was out, it’s a platform thoroughly loved. Unlike that ginger step-child of yours. Quoting from a comic.

As for Bit Orchard: Animal Valley from – you guessed it, RedDeer Games – you’ll get to manage an apple orchard, upgrading the land and making money along the way. However, it’s not just about management, as you’ll get to uncover secrets as you go.

Key features include:

  • Simple controls
  • No invisible walls (only visible ones)
  • Great replay value
  • A pet rabbit!
  • Stylized 2D graphics
  • Incredible music track

Here are some animated pictures accompanied by some tunes:

Bit Orchard: Animal Valley will be out later this year on the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One/Series S/X. More deets as they come in…