Blade Assault Kickstarter Campaign Launched With A Steam Demo Available Now

Blade Assault Kickstarter Campaign Launched With A Steam Demo Available Now
Source: Steam

How about trying Blade Assault before you back it? That’s a pretty cool trick if you ask me. Which you are. I can sense it. That’s right; it’s a Kickstarter campaign but also has a Steam demo available now.

From Team Suneat (Twitter) and published by NEOWIZ, the Blade Assault Kickstarter campaign is underway and ticking the cyberpunk boxes as we go through the checklist. If you want me to list the criteria, you’re not a cyberpunk fan, right?

A 2D rogue-like platformer, players will explore a desolate sci-fi world using transformable weapons that can be customised by cores and transform upgrades. 

Blade Assault - Cyborg on the roof
The classic ‘Cyborg On The Roof’ musical. Source: Steam

Blade Assault it touted as fast-paced combat involving dashing techniques, launching projectiles, slashing (steady) and ‘making a name for yourself in the city of Esperanza’. The soundtrack is pretty nifty too and giving a hint of Katana Zero.

We’re super excited to finally start our crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. We think that this is a good chance for us to show our game to more people and hopefully receive constructive feedback on our game.

Jun Hyeong Kim, director of Team Suneat.

Check out the official gameplay trailer here:

You download the demo via Steam now, alternatively, if you’ve got a good feeling about this one, go back Blade Assault Kickstarter campaign. The full release is aimed for Q1 2021.