Bone Marrow Deals Logic In The Faces Of Evil

Bone Marrow Deals Logic In The Faces Of Evil
Source: Ratalaika Games

Out this week from Ratalaika Games and developed by HugePixel is Bone Marrow – an indie based on RPG and logic, coming to consoles this week.

Using your spatial awareness to defeat enemies, you’ll need to combine numbers in pairs and with objects that allow for the creation of gear such as weapons, shields, and potions. In turn, this will increase your attack and defence against the dark monsters of the game.

Bone Marrow - Logical, Jim
Logical, Jim. Source: Ratalaika Games

Despite the unusual concept, Bone Marrow is straightforward gameplay, but numbers… bother me. The Long Gate confirmed that. Here are some of the features:

Here’s a trailer:

Bone Marrow will be available on PS4/5, Xbox One/Series X and the Nintendo Switch from the 6th of August. As always, the prices are 4.99 $/€ for all platforms.