Stylish Shooter Boom Company On Kickstarter

Stylish Shooter Boom Company On Kickstarter
Source: Steam

Put your money where your Kickstarter login is: Boom Company is an upcoming top-down shooter from Burton Wong, a.k.a. Burt’s Games, and it needs your backing.

Inspired by the likes of Dead CellsHades and Nova Drift, I was about to say the intro style video you’ll see further down is reminiscent of Cowboy Bebop – no, not that live-action tosh, but the classic anime.

Boom Company - Asteroids
Asteroids. Source: Steam

In Boom Company you’ll take command of a prototype ship, enlisted as a freelance mercenary taking odd jobs; dog walking, window cleaning – that sort of thing. There’s not that much gameplay footage, but it has a stylised quality that gives a clue of what to expect.

I wanted to complement gamers’ different playstyles … against a vast and outlandish interstellar backdrop… I think we’ve created a great next-level shoot ’em up, filled with out-of-this-world characters.

Burton Wong, Developer

Boom Company is currently in a Kickstarter campaign that will run for 30 days. If this whets your appetite, you know what to do…