Bring A Friend To Robotic Platformer, Boti: Byteland Overclocked

Boti: Byteland Overclocked
Source: Steam

Is it just me, or does Boti: Byteland Overclocked sound like a weird-sounding title when read aloud? Yes, probably just me. Don’t be fooled by a title, however, as this debut title from Purple Ray Studio looks ace.

A 3D robotic platformer, we get to explore the land of Byteland with its titular hero, Boti. Our job is to save the cyber landscape from bugs and viruses with the support of two floating companions, One and Zero. There’s a binary joke in there somewhere…

Besides appealing to a broad audience, Boti: Byteland Overclocked is a co-op experience, giving off a welcome vibe similar to another co-op robot title, Biped

Key features include: 

  • Old-school 3D platforming: Double jump, dash, hover, and glide to explore a vibrant and colourful world.
  • Co-op Circuitry: Team up and plug into co-op mode! Seamlessly shift between solo and duo play, adapting to the binary rhythm of two-player camaraderie or reverting to a solo campaign, all without a glitch in the code.
  • Byte-tastic banter: Boti is joined on his journey by One & Zero, two floating binary bot-palls that keep you company throughout the adventure.
  • Magnetic mind-teasers: Harness the power of magnetism to tackle brain-teasing puzzles or slide blocks to create platforms that elevate you to new heights.
  • Musical slide: Hit all the right notes on your way down a slide and compose a musical crescendo that will leave you grinning from ear to ear.

Here’s the trailer:

Boti: Byteland Overclocked is launching on PC on the 15th of September, 2023, and will be published by Untold Tales (GamedecWhat Lies in the Multiverse). A console version will follow after that. In the meantime, look out for a review on release!