Brief Battles Out Now On Nintendo Switch

Brief Battles Out Now On Nintendo Switch

What sounds the better title: Brief Battles – a party game free-for-all where fighters battle it out in a variety of undergarments, or the developer – Juicy Cupcake? Any game that has a reference to pants without it being pervy sounds like fun, so what’s the premise?

In Brief Battles you take on up to three other players making use of the deadly underwear at your disposal. Thankfully, there’s no reference of skid-filled y-fronts, but there are pants bearing special powers such as the Toxic Tighty-Whiteys or Buns of Steel. It’s apparently more focused on local party play than online, but that needs to be confirmed. Regardless, couch play in your pants has a new meaning here.

Brief Battles - Ice
It’s cold in here. Things shrink. Source: PR

As well as the standard roster to choose from, there are some crossover characters involved in these Brief Battles; Yooka-Laylee Violet (Yooka-Laylee), CommanderVideo Chad (Bit.Trip.Runner), Machinarium Tubbins (Machinarium), Goo Kevin (World of Goo) are just some of the characters on offer with more to come.

Now would be the time to confirm a release date for Brief Battles. Fortunately, it’s already out and very stealthily launched on the eShop in a very understated announcement.

Judging from the trailer and the above features, this looks like a worthy entry into the party genre, and I for one will be looking to seize a copy for pant filling action. Wait…