Broken Blades Out Now On The Switch

Broken Blades Review - Shrek's grumpier sibling
Shrek's grumpier sibling. Source: Steam

So take, these Broken Blades… yeah, I’ve used that joke before (Mr. Mister song), but I’ve also reviewed the game before – this is just to tell you that the Switch version is now out.

A 2D hardcore platformer from Golden Eggs Studio, you’ll storm multiple dungeons, slashing up anyone mad enough to get in your way. The shoe is on the other foot as you have to be mad to receive this level of punishment.

Broken Blades is a bit on the brutal side, from my experience, so if you’re a die-hard it’ll be an interesting indie to consider. For those with about average abilities and low patience levels, it might be a bit testing as you have to deal with booby traps and the enemies. And we know what boobies mean.

Key features include:

  • hardcore 2D platformer;
  • roguelike and metroidvania;
  • dynamic gameplay;
  • crafting unique swords;
  • extensive character development system;
  • randomly generated locations;
  • high level of difficulty.

Check out the trailer for Broken Blades below:

Out now on the Switch (also Steam), erm.. go buy it, check it out?