Bloody Hell, Bullet Hell! Shinorubi Blasts To Early Access

Shinorubi - Pink Pig Mode
Source: Steam

Loadsa shmups are claiming to be bullet hell (no facts to back this) when in reality, they’re just a bit hectic. Shinorubi, on the other hand, defines the label bullet hell (as written on the product tag under ‘do not tumble dry’). 

Developed by Last Boss88, founded by two developers who crossed the streams and channelled their talent into one title, and this arcade shooter is a vertical one, if that’s your orientation.

There’s a lot of info here, so let’s cut to the chase and include all the features you can expect in Shinorubi:

  • Danmaku: You get hit, you’re dead. Avoid the mass of bullets and destroy numerous enemies.
  • Boss Fights: Take on Mid bosses and powerful army generals (Bosses) in epic battles.
  • Fever Bar: Clear the screen of enemy fire and receive additional bonuses.
  • Scoring System: Improve your score with point multipliers by surviving enemy barrage, destroying your enemies, collecting stars and medals, and using as few bombs as possible.
  • Replayability: Up to 5 difficulty levels, 2 game modes and 6 Arrange modes (19 available modes at the end of the Early Access)
  • Games Modes: Boss Fights mode and a Classic mode in which you can pass the 1CC challenge (Credit Clear). 2 Extra Game modes will be added during the Early Access including the Caravan Stage Mode.
  • Arrange Modes: Same levels but different gameplay. 6 available Arrange Modes and 3 additional to be added during the Early Access.
    • SHIELD: Use a shield to protect against enemy fire.
    • CANCEL: Destroy marked spaceships to clear all shots on the screen.
    • LASER / SHOT: Alternate between laser and classic shots to destroy your enemies.
    • JOURNEY: Get ready for a long journey with several game loops.
    • PINK PIG: Don’t miss any pig, that’s the rule!
    • SUPER RANK: Choose your level of difficulty in real-time
  • Pilots: Select a pilot and his spaceship with unique weapons and characteristics among the 3 already available. 5 more will be added during the Early Access.
  • Controls: Use a keyboard, a joystick, or an arcade controller and customize all the action buttons.
  • Display: The display options offer you a resolution of up to 4K. The game is optimized to run between 60 and 120 fps.
  • Story: Overthrow the BAÄA family’s despotic rule over Shinorubi in a legendary raid.

Here’s a trailer, with some tunes to make your heart race:

There are only ten days to go until Shinorubi’s on the Early Access streets. If you aren’t reading this the same day as posting, that’s the 20th of January 2022. Deets below.