Cannibal Cuisine Out Now On The Switch

Cannibal Cuisine Out Now On The Switch

Step right up, fellow meat-eaters: Cannibal Cuisine serves ’em fresh on the Nintendo Switch.

Think you’re a hunter-gatherer, eh? Sort your own dinner out then with a tourist treat for the evil god Hoochooboo.

He’s totally real; a friend saw a documentary on Discovery.

Cannibal Cuisine - Hot ones
Hot ones. Sauce: PR

For up to four players, local or online, you play as a cannibal looking to appease your god, but the intent to overthrow him through a series of platforming and multiplayer action.

Cannibal Cuisine, from Rocket Vulture, is a couch co-op with Overcooked elements, but we all like our human flesh raw, am I right?


Judging by the trailer below, it’s evident of the Overcooked influence, but does it stand on its own two feet before eating them?

Cannibal Cuisine is out now, like this very moment, on the Nintendo Switch.