Captain Disaster and the Two Worlds of Riskara Demo - Far From A Disaster And A Frontier You'll Want To Click

Captain Disaster and the Two Worlds of Riskara
Source: Screen capture

The last time I spotted a point and click via Twitter and wrote about it was Dinner With An Owl. Let’s continue the momentum with another indie adventure: the Captain Disaster and the Two Worlds of Riskara demo.

See – #WishlistWednesday is an effective way to get your game out there. Or you could contact me, which is what happened with the excellent Tourist Trap.

Anyway, the Captain Disaster and the Two Worlds of Riskara demo is a point and click set in space, featuring the titular hero. Are they a hero, though? I’m not quite sure from the demo, but Team Disaster has released several titles already. Watch out, Roger Wilco.

Our demo takes us to paradise, if you deem sitting on a beach drinking cocktails is such a thing, only for it to be a farce: you’re actually in space, and Meta can do one as this is the future. The problem is, our hero is so incredibly bored.

Captain Disaster and the Two Worlds of Riskara - King Arthur
King Arthur. Source: Screen capture

A distress signal introduces our journey, and the captain is teleported onto a ship chockful of pop culture that anyone who knows what a Lion-O is, or owns cassettes will probably wet their pants. Not me, I wear big pants. 

That didn’t stop me gushing, though. Point and click adventures – the proper ones referencing grog and other titles such as Zid Journey – tend to have this likeable smugness about their in-jokes, and the Captain Disaster and the Two Worlds of Riskara demo is refreshing. 

The Captain is already a bit of a goon, but only because he’s out of his depth and reacts as any average person would. He’s like us and shouldn’t be left near electrics or touching things without a more responsible adult. 

What makes the Captain Disaster and the Two Worlds of Riskara demo a standout thus far isn’t the puzzles (a little easy at this stage) nor the amusing dialogue. It’s the artwork. The illustrations look straight out of a comic from the 80s/90s, such as The Beano, Oink! or even Viz. Animation-wise, it can be a little sketchy; my apologies for the near-miss pun, though visually, it’s fantastic.

If someone provides you with a free meal, it’d be impolite to be unnecessarily critical. Captain Disaster and the Two Worlds of Riskara is a demo, so it’s as free to me as it is to you, but if I’m to be an absolute bastard, I’d have to voice my opinion and say that the cherry on the top would be voice acting.

This doesn’t always work; some may skip through once they’ve read the subtitles. An alternative is to have that nonsense 8-bit talk (which I don’t like) or even silence. However, after a brief investigation, voice acting will be coming to the game, and the trailer verifies this.

Any further words after this paragraph would be filler – download it and see what you think. After finishing it, I immediately added Captain Disaster and the Two Worlds of Riskara to my wishlist and hope to see an update with a release date. Now, click like the wind and check it out.