Cardpocalypse Buys More Time With Out Of Time DLC

Cardpocalypse Buys More Time With Out Of Time DLC
Source: PR

The Cardpocalypse is near, and it’s the end of the world as we know it unless you can prevent Jess getting their card deck banned at school. 

Who’s Jess? Jess is you, and you’re a 10-year old elementary school child who manages to get everyone’s favourite card game banned on her first day of school. If we’re basing status on popularity, she’s effed. Adding to the troubles, the mutants in the card game have come to life, and it’s up to Jess to save the world.

In this RPG from Gambrinous, you’ll create a custom deck to tame the mutants and become a Mega Mutant Power Pets Master, making friends along the way with Dudsdale Elementary as the setting.

Cardpocalypse - Classy
Classy. Source: PR

You’ll be able to build, trade, earn and wage while manipulating card decks, permanently altering the cards.

Cardpocalypse gives players complete control to craft their own RPG experience and set their own rules. The deep strategy and customization in the game allows for a great amount of replayability too. 

Colm Larkin Creator and Founder of Developer Gambrinous

But wait: there’s the new Out of Time DLC which is available on launch with the standalone Cardpocalypse, including a rogue-like inspired Gauntlet mode.

Key features include:

  • A whole new standalone campaign! Build your collection and change the rules once more.
  • Test your card gaming skills against a series of new enemy champions.
  • Stuck in a time loop? Have some fun!
  • Find new combos! Bloop, a special neutral champion can use cards from every faction.
  • Build the Champion you want. Bloop has a unique upgrade tree to explore.
  • Find brand new Power Pets cards!
  • Bloop and all the new cards are also added to Gauntlet mode for endless possibilities!

Here’s the trailer:

Cardpocalypse is out on Steam on the 12th October, and the Out of Time DLC is included!