It's A City Of Ashes Ruled By Violence...Coming In 2025

In a post-apocalyptic city, former MMA fighter Chris' daughter is kidnapped and he has to use his skills to rescue her in City of Ashes.

It's A City Of Ashes Ruled By Violence...Coming In 2025

It’s funny how MMA seems synonymous with the UFC, but City of Ashes, an MMA brawler from BatFields, is an urban beat ’em up set in a post-apocalyptic city. It’s coming to PC and consoles.

Taking on the role of former MMA fighter Chris, he and his daughter Charlotte wander an apocalyptic pandemic, only for the latter to be kidnapped by a cannibalistic gang. Cue Chris’ muscle memory and some third-person isometric fisticuffs.

It’s early days for City of Ashes, but here is a list of the key features thus far:

  • Stunning Visuals
  • MMA Combat Style
  • RPG Elements
  • Unique & Detailed Environments

The plan is to unveil City of Ashes in early 2025 on PC (Steam), PlayStation, Xbox, and mobile(!).