Create Your Own Comic Book In Coldage

Coldage on Kickstarter
Source: PR

Coldage is an upcoming adventure game from Roosterlandia. They weren’t a developer I was familiar with, but reading ‘a passion for narrative-driven games’ in their biog has granted them access to my PIN.

Immediately I was drawn to the comic book visuals. I’m not a comic book fan, but I love art, i.e. character illustrations (see Blake: The Visual Novel). The artwork here is great. 

But what kind of game is it – there aren’t any gameplay videos yet. That’s because it’s on Kickstarter, so let’s clue you up in advance. Coldage takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where players create their own comic book panels through their decisions. Choices matter – yay!

You’ll pick from a group of five Protectors, each with their unique traits, to secure resources and save the people from death. In the notes, the developers have taken inspiration from titles such as Darkest Dungeon.

Coldage is in the early stages at the moment, but as stated, it’s in a Kickstarter where you can back the game.