Come In, Feel The BURN For 2022

Come In, Feel The BURN For 2022
Source: Steam

If you played STONEConvict Games’ debut from last year(?), you too will be excited about their latest, coming in 2022 to Steam and the Xbox, BURN.

The game tells the tale of a pop star tragedy staged over 16 years. You play the titular Nina BURN – a Finnish pop star whose career is followed in three acts – from her debut at 17 and the climax at 27. What she does next is up to you.

BURN - Quite the crowd
Quite the crowd. Source: Steam

With over 16 endings on offer, replaying the scenario is vital. Besides that being a thing for completionists to see all the endings, each playthrough will build upon the character and her story. In other words, it’s a must to unlock all endings and find what makes Nina tick and reasoning for each conclusion.

As mentioned at the time of STONE, the developers are big film buffs and know their music. Direct all that knowledge and passion into a game, and you too may be wiping the drool from your chops. 

BURN is a character study and reflection of how far someone can go for their art and the cost of fame. We’ve been working on BURN since the COVID lockdown started in February 2020 tapping into our passion for the stories of the music industry, pop stars, body horror and classic music cinema and documentaries.

Chief Convict Greg Louden of Convict Games

Here’s a trailer:

With music from genres ranging from ‘Dark ambient, Techno, Black Metal, Berlin post-wave, Russian sci-fi ambience and Hip Hop’, BURN is firmly on the wishlist, and I can’t wait to see how this plays out.