Craftlands Workshoppe Has Its Head In Early Access Clouds This Month

Craftlands Workshoppe Has Its Head In Early Access Clouds This Month
Source: Steam

Craftlands Workshoppe sounds like a ‘Best Of’ album with techno anthems from the pioneers of the genre, but instead, it’s the title of an upcoming management game set in the clouds.

If the quirky spelling rings a bell other than when you studied Chaucer, Craftlands Workshoppe is cloud-based within the universe and humour of Shoppe Keep, developed by Arvydas Žemaitis. Unfortunately, as I haven’t lived, I haven’t experienced the aforementioned, but the premise has sold me enough to report on the current development build (more on that next week or so).

Bear in mind it will be in Early Access, the game begins with you acquiring a shop in the clouds, catering for demi-gods and other sorts you won’t bump into the supermarket, selling goods, gaining permits and crafting everything from weapons through to air skips. You read that correctly.

Craftlands Workshoppe - Cauldron
Mixing. Source: Steam

As a non-Minecraft player, this looks like Minecraft – well perhaps a bit more like The Touryst but with Forager gameplay. That sounds like a match made in heaven, or at least the clouds, where this is all based. Like its compadres, you get to explore and unlock unknown realms.

Perhaps one of the key ingredients (a bit of wordplay here) is the crafts. There are three to master: alchemy, cookery and blacksmith. Alas, your unparalleled Fornite skills won’t work here as this is about resource management and personal development. Not headshots and teabagging.

Again, this is heading to Early Access, so my review will be based on the development build. From what I’ve seen so far, it’s looking quite majestical and anticipate losing a lot of hours.

Here’s a trailer:

Craftlands Workshoppe, published by Excalibur Games, hits Steam Early Access on the 13th October. You can wishlist it by heading to the Steam page.