Crazy Athletics Summer Sports & Games Update

Crazy Athletics Summer Sports & Games - Throw
Source: PR

Have you played Crazy Athletics Summer Sports & Games or read the review and thought, “Nope. Not for me” based on the level of difficulty/button timings? Good news, everyone: there’s an update.

CrazySoft worked on the game for over a year and a half, so releasing the game and letting gamers fester in frustration at the timings of button-pressing would mean all their work would be in vain. Well, those timings have been adjusted, and the game is significantly better.

Having read the news about a Crazy Athletics Summer Sports & Games update, I dipped back into the game to try out – notably returning the point of frustration: the dinosaur run. How did it fare? I aced if first go. This pattern followed through, and there was a flurry of trophies, both in-game and PSN.

So, if you already own it, go back and play it again – it’s almost a different game. This update might be the poke you need to get down if you’re on the fence.

Here’s a trailer:

Crazy Athletics Summer Sports & Games is available now on multiple systems. For more details and the review, head to the starting grid.