Cubicity Showing There's More Than Side To This Puzzler

Cubicity Showing There's More Than Side To This Puzzler
Source: PR

Cubicity – a puzzle game featuring a world of cute, cubic characters, heading to the Nintendo Switch this month

Don’t be a square, be a cube. Ok, I’m very aware how poor that was, but needed an opener. Now we’re there, here’s a look at Cubicity, coming to the Switch.

A cube-based puzzle game from OverGamez and Pirate Parrot, you control a team of shapes intending to get them to their highlighted goal through a series of problem-solving activities.

Cubicity - Night
Night cubes. Source: PR

Applying logic, you have to juggle the formation of each cube to ensure they all reach the finishing line in its entirety.

Here’s the trailer:

Cubicity is out on the 25th of July for the Nintendo Switch. Watch this space as it has piqued my interest for a future review!