Time To Face Some Cutbacks In Autopsy Simulator

Juggle your inner demons while performing autopsies in psychological horror simulator, Autopsy Simulator.

Autopsy Simulator screenshot
Source: PR

Cut Haunted House Renovator aside for a bit, and it’s safe to say there aren’t that many horror simulators out there. That’s an angle for Woodland Games (Hell Architect) and Team17 as they share a brand-new trailer for Autopsy Simulator.

Initially announced in 2022, the game follows a forensic doctor in the 1990s who’s battling his inner demons while undertaking autopsies. Multitasker! This psychological horror won’t be for the faint-hearted, featuring realistic case files used in collaboration with IRL forensic practitioners.

Key features in Autopsy Simulator include:

  • Gruesome anatomical detail and medically certified autopsy procedures: Dissect anatomically accurate bodies using a range of autopsy procedures and tools authentic to real-world practice.
  • Realistic true crime scenarios: Study a range of case files designed by real-life pathomorphologists and forensic doctors, then use what you learn to guide each autopsy.
  • Narrative-driven story mode with simulation gameplay: In Autopsy Simulator: Dead Memories, follow a gripping personal mystery while performing medically accurate autopsy procedures vetted by a certified pathologist.

Watch the latest trailer below:

Autopsy Simulator is set for a 2024 release. To keep in the loop, wishlist it on Steam.