A Hell For Bullets? Danmaku Limited 3 Embraces The Projectile

Danmaku Limited 3 release date
Source: PR

Like I’ve said many times before, “I like a shoot ’em up, me”. Good news: Danmaku Limited 3 is coming to the PlayStation this month, and it’s only a matter of days – count ’em!

A shmup that Kotaku (who are they?) said is “One of the Best Bullet Hell” finally hits the PS4 after it released on PC, mobile, the Nintendo Switch, and your local bookshop. It’s now time for the Sony cash cow to get some attention.

What kind of things can we see in Danmaku Unlimited 3? I’ll tell you!

  • Authentically crafted Japanese style Bullet Hell shoot’em up
  • Action packed campaign with spellbinding bullet patterns and epic boss battles
  • Multiple levels of difficulty across two unique modes that caters to players of all skill ranges
  • Innovative SPIRIT/GRAZE system promotes stylish risk vs reward gameplay
  • Ultra Wide Mode in 60FPS HD
  • TATE Mode for the ultimate arcade experience
  • Up to 25 unique weapon combinations
  • Music by the talented Japanese indie circle BLANKFIELD

Here’s what it looks like in motion (an ancient trailer, but you get the gist):

Danmaku Limited 3, from Doragon Entertainment, will be available from the 13th of June 2023 on the PS4. I’ll be having a little look at it and will post my findings very, very soon.