Datenshi Is A Cyberpunk 2.5D Platformer Featuring Shinobi Culture

Datenshi coming to Nintendo Switch
Source: Screen grab

Here’s another cyberpunk title to get excited for; this time it’s Raion Games’ 2.5D platformer Datenshi, a ‘traditional Japanese Universum’ heading for the Nintendo Switch.

At least one of those ingredients will interest you, right? Japan, cyberpunk, Switch… even better if you like ’em all. More so if you’re into ninja as there’s a lot of shinobi culture in the game.

You play as Shoku, an orphan under the care of master Fukoshu training in ninjitsu that has been prohibited by the Hikari Corp. Aside from finding a family through the discipline, he also has to battle with inner demons, all the while rescuing a friend that has been kidnapped.

As mentioned in a previous post, cinematic trailers get me pumped for a game, and Datenshi sounds brilliant. Check it out below (looks a little like Ruiner):

Datenshi is set for a release on the Nintendo Switch for Q2 2021, so watch this space as it’s the type of game that I’d like to get my hands on.