Deepest Chamber: Murky, Stinky, Looty

Deepest Chamber - Your girlfriend
Source: Steam

Who’d have thunk it; I’m excited about a deck-building game. No, not your Wickes variant, but with cards, à la Deepest Chamber – a card-battler from Mattel Balcony Softworks.

A rogue-like set in a dark fantasy world, your job is to sink in the murky underbelly of a dying medieval city. Like similar games in the genre, such as Doors of Insanity, you can accumulate a non-bound range of cards, trinkets and consumables for each run.

When a magical dome shrouds the people and releases a pestilent disease, the inhabitants retreat underground for survival. Unfortunately, it’s the underground for a reason, and far from discarded goldfish and mutant turtles, their new home was worse than the last.

Deepest Chamber - Pick a card
Pick a card, any card. Source: Steam

In Deepest Chamber, you lead a bunch of reprobates, seeking a way out for the people, but on the sly, looting the place for anything that’s not bolted down. Free of class restrictions, there’s an abundance of play options and replayability.

Here’s the first teaser trailer:

Published by Those Awesome Guys, who released Monster PromDeepest Chamber is due later in the year. If you want to keep up-to-date on notifications, head on over to Steam and wishlist it.