Become A Demon Queen In Demon Turf

Become A Demon Queen In Demon Turf
Source: Steam

Fans of Yooka-laylee will already be familiar with Playtonic Friends, but have you heard of the upcoming title Demon Turf, developed by Fabraz? No? Let us begin.

Sporting 2D sprites in a 3D world, you play as the demon Beebz in her quest to become the Demon Queen. To do that, she’s going to battle it out using physics-based combat, winning territories in this platformer that more or less adapts to your playing style.

Demon Turf - Stop pouting
Stop pouting. Source: Steam

According to the deets, Demon Turf is suited to beginners through to speedrunners, boasting heaps of unique challenges – notably timed ones. But perhaps one of the key mechanics in the game is the use of checkpoints: you set them. With four disposable points to use, you define where you should respawn from. Ace!

Check out the Demon Turf trailer here:

Demon Turf is heading to PC and all last and current-gen consoles from the 4th of November. Mad or what? Look out for a review here around that time.