The Time Is Now! Doomsday Hunters On Nintendo Switch

Doomsday Hunters release date
Source: PR

What have you achieved in the last 9 years? Moregames have made a rogue-lite twin-stick shooter called Doomsday Hunters that’s available now for the Nintendo Switch and Steam. What, you think that going on a couple of holidays and growing a beard is a 9-year achievement?

So, when magic and post-apocalyptic future technologies collide, apparently, all hell breaks loose, and, as this is a very unpredictable future, so too is the terrain, as this is a procedurally generated experience. Familiarity will not breed contempt here. Especially when you get to destroy everything,

Key features in Doomsday Hunters include:

  • Procedural generation for endless variety.
  • Break guns for parts or find powerful mods.
  • Over 160 enemies and 20 bosses.
  • Discover and master over 1200 items including relics, weapons, skills, perks, alien artifacts, consumables, actives, and passives.
  • Engage with a variety of unique characters and negotiate for your advantage.

This is what it would look like if you were to play it:

Doomsday Hunters is available now on the Nintendo Switch and a PC near you via Steam. Go on then – check it out!