Down And Out But Undisputed King Of The VR Streets

Down and Out Coming To VR
Source: PR

VR doesn’t get enough love, and as a relatively late adopter, I’m pleased to see a title such as Down and Out coming to multiple VR platforms: SteamVR, Oculus, HTC, and later PSVR.

From ZatunDown and Out is a bit like Condemned, only not as gritty visuals, though that doesn’t mean bloody noses are something that you can play with the kids. Depends how old they are.

There’s no saving your girlfriend from Willys (Double Dragon reference, pervs). In Down and Out, you’ll be battling it out raw in an attempt to be the toughest and meanest on the streets, making money in the process and to become the eventual king.

Down and Out - Fists
Bring a bat to a fist fight. Source: PR

But there is a story embedded in the fisticuffs, and you’ll uncover this in the rather large city (so it seems), featuring many side quests, bonus activities and minigames.  

According to the developers, the AI will learn with your moves, so don’t expect to go up against punch bags or breaking wooden blocks – they may be able to spot the repeat offenders (the repeated Sonic Boom types, methinks).

Have a look at the trailer for Down and Out on the official site.

No official release date as yet, but the game will be coming to SteamVR, Oculus and HTC. PSVR is penned for the future, but I’m getting the itch and may end up getting another VR unit by the time this comes out. Whenever that is.