Build The Perfect Wampire In Dracula's Castle

Build The Perfect Wampire In Dracula's Castle
Source: Steam

Every night’s a vampire night, and that’s why Dracula’s Castle is as relevant now as it was on Halloween. Put away your garlic until next year, as that’s when Astirian-Rae Games’ title reveals itself. Ooer!

Set in the vibrant year of 1897, we get to play as Dracula – no fakes or posers, but the bona fide Impaler himself, as he makes his preparations to travel to England to meet with the aristocratic bloodline. For obvious reasons.

Before reaching Pudding Island, you’ll have to expand Dracula’s castle by stalking Transylvanian towns and recruiting minions. You’ll then be able to customise said minions, the castle, and build a version of Dracula that best suits your playstyle – i.e. a stealthy bat or a tank-like wolf. You’ll need it as you’ll cross paths with Van Helsing along the way.

I wanted to make an accessible management game but I also wanted to take a deep dive into some of the vampire lore that I sort of really fell in love with in the early 90’s… I’m tremendously excited to wrap that feeling around some of the RPG elements that usually tend to sit well with the base building genre.

Daragh Wickham of Astirian-Rae Games. 

Here’s the video for Dracula’s Castle. The drapes don’t necessarily match the carpet:

Hold back on that pasty complexion for a bit longer as Dracula’s Castle won’t see the light of day until next year… wait… anyway, wishlist it now on Steam. I am.