Dreamscaper Is Out Now On Early Access And Is Dreamy

Dreamscaper Is Out Now On Early Access And Is Dreamy
Source: PR

Out on Steam Early Access, Dreamscaper is a rogue-lite action RPG from Freedom! Games and Afterburner Studios.

In the game, you play Cassidy, a young woman who uses her power of lucid dreaming to control her inner demons, using her somewhat psychic abilities with hack and slash combat

Her weaponry stems from her imaginative ability from ethereal yo-yos to blazing finger guns, space warping and time manipulation. As clearly stated in the promo material, she uses these powers ‘while using careful positioning, precise timing, and quick reflexes to dodge, parry, and dispatch attackers’.

Dreamscaper - Dream wielder
Wielder of dream weapons. Source: PR

One of the very many standouts in Dreamscaper is the ever-changing dreamscapes; Cassidy’s representation of the real world, but often more hellish.

Unleashing the game on Steam today is a huge milestone for us and we’re looking forward to hearing more from players as we continue to fine-tune this experience and make Dreamscaper the action RPG of our dreams.

Ian Cofino, co-founder, Afterburner Studios

Capturing a dreamlike world will always be a challenge as the limitations are a combination of the developers and available tech, but judging by this gameplay trailer? 

You can pick up Dreamscaper now via Steam Early Access which currently has a 25% discount attached. Did you just read the above and watch the trailer? Go get it!