Drift21 Updates The Driving Model And Diversifies The Tyre Types

Drift21 Updates The Driving Model And Diversifies The Tyre Types

Drift21 drops some significant updates with some UI redesign improved handling of gravitational centres and even a new camera angle from the already decent selection.

One of the biggest advantages of Early Access games is to test it in the real world with actual games, getting their feedback and making adjustments along the way. Or developers could ignore the comments and use it as a platform to hype for the full release. That won’t work though.

Fortunately, ECC Games S.A. are proactive, and I regularly see updates to the game to make it all tickety-boo (I am still waiting for my GTR though…). In this announcement, they’ve fixed some bugs but also updated the vehicles’ gravitational centres.

This doesn’t make the cars in Drift21 any better at dancing, but will further improve the realism and open up limitless customisation for your preferred way of drifting.

Drift21 - Beemer
BMW’s rule! Source: Steam

Aside from these updates, the tyres have been improved too, with a greater range available, allowing for a better tyre combo for your set up. For someone who thoroughly enjoys driving in real life as well as the games, for many years, I overlooked the importance of tyres and appreciate the benefits – especially as I drive a rear-wheel drive!

Tuning has also been tweaked to a point where it has been redesigned in many places, as has the UI. There’s also the addition of an inclinometer to make it easier to control the drifting angle of the car.

Here’s Drift21‘s latest changelog:

  • Inclinometer added to show drifting angles and limitations of each car
  • New camera added allowing for a greater lean from the focus point
  • Redesigned driving UI to correctly show and highlight changes to the drifting point counting system, car speed, drifting angle and other events
  • Numerous game setting additions including Gamma, Anti Aliasing, display method etc
  • Changed how ‘Kiss The Wall’ and ‘Wall Tap’ events work – these should now be more transparent and forgiving
  • Many ‘under the hood’ improvements and fixes

Drift21 is currently in Early Access, and you can purchase for $24.99/£22.49/€24.99 from the Steam page. If you haven’t already read it, I wrote an Early Access review and will be revisiting this in the next couple of days once I decide on my new graphics card.