Get Smashed/Go Smash In Drunken Fist 2: Zombie Hangover

Drunken Fist 2 Zombie Hangover
Source: Eastasiasoft

Can’t hold your drink and tired up teleporting into a holding cell? Experiment with your limits by drinking until your heart’s content, all the while kicking the crap out of zombies in Drunken Fist 2: Zombie Hangover.

There’s no mistaking the context of this title from Eastasiasoft. As per the original title, you’ll get sloshed and cause mayhem using drunken physics. They’re not as responsive as you’d expect, but hilarity ensues.

Besides, it’s ok to be the catalyst for violence in Drunken Fist 2: Zombie Hangover as you’re culling the zombie apocalypse. You’ll be a hero. You, your poor motor skills, and wee-soaked pants. Hmm-hmm – the joys of drinking.

Sound good? Here are the key features:

  • Survive a zombie apocalypse as a hungover rocker!
  • Take down a wide variety of enemy types with unique behaviors.
  • Collect bottles and food as you explore sprawling stages!
  • Fall down a lot and keep getting back up for more.
  • Urinate on opponents, on city streets or wherever you’re standing!

Also, a Drunken Fist 2: Zombie Hangover trailer:

Drunken Fist 2: Zombie Hangover is out for PC, PS4/5, Nintendo Switch and the Xboxeseses on the 22nd of June, priced at $7.99/€7.99.