Educational Games For Kids Review

An Educational Games for Kids review based on the PS4 version, is it worth getting for the kids (and you)?

Educational Games For Kids Review

Not the usual type of review, this Educational Games For Kids review covers the PS4 version of this compilation of educational games aimed for the ages of 3 up to 18.

Educational Games for Kids from CrazySoft is a rare, but welcome, type of game available on console – PS4 and Xbox One, but also Steam, Android and iOS. A Nintendo Switch version is on the way and if that implements touchscreen options, could be perfect for younger children.

Some of the best film directors do that classic routine of one for the studios, one for them. While I’m no film director, nor do I follow that code, I will today in that this one is for them, the kids.

Educational Games For Kids Review

Educational Games for Kids is one of those titles that you’re likely to skim over unless it’s on the top page of ‘Editor’s Picks’ in the kid’s section if you’re trying to find something to occupy the kids when on holiday, or trying to persuade your other half that gaming isn’t all about blood and guts and adrenaline-pumping activities.

We all know that it’s much more than that.

This was a game that would work for both my girls, with a relevant age gap between the two where this could measure whether it works for most age groups.

Educational Games For Kids - Maze
Maze. Source: PR

First of all, it’s aimed at 3-18-year-olds, covering a range of educational titles disguised as fun. As a former teacher, I’m familiar with this approach, and it’s perfectly executed as you don’t want your audience to think they’re there to learn – heaven forbid!

But, and this is a friendly but, despite its marketing, Educational Games for Kids is for adults too. Some of these games are classic ‘parent testing’ scenarios such as identifying the flags in Europe or naming each US state by the capital city. When asked for hints, I’d casually slip out to the kitchen to make another tea, looking for an excuse.

Shifting to the entry-level side of things, the younger players get to play a simple tricycle game of collecting coins and jumping off of ramps. It’s probably the most ‘gamiest’ of all the games, but it teaches motor skills, and my youngest could not stop laughing. I recorded it thinking I would share her laughter, but… changed my mind. Let’s stick with the words first of all.

The level select is a train full of motor skills, maths, colour logic, mazes – you name it. Most of the games have varying stages of difficulty. Take the maze, for example, and the entry-level one is a chore for anyone over 5, but the most difficult, while not challenging for older children (or an adult), does require concentration.

2+2 Isn’t 22?

With maths being one of her strong subjects, my eldest blitzed through the space-themed maths games of matching a number to equations ranging from addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. However, the flags were the hardest, and despite the legend at the beginning of the game, proved the most challenging for our household.

Other games include colouring, memory games and placing animals in their correct habitats. Some games are a little more difficult for a younger audience, and mine did struggle with some of the controls, despite the simplicity, but loved them nevertheless.

Presentation-wise, the game is appealing to a younger audience with vibrant colours and simplicity in its design. There’s nothing taxing here, visually, that would mean there’s any slowdown in the games though I did note that the ball in the maze was a little bit sluggish. Hardly the end of the world.

Educational Games For Kids - Tyke Trike
Tyke Trike. Source: PR

The music in the game is super catchy, and we’ve all been humming it since. At the end of each game, you’re awarded up to three stars based on performance, notably completing the sections in fast times. There’s an added bonus for older children (and adults) to unlock PS4 trophies by completing some elementary tasks such as finding a coin or completing a jigsaw in a swift time.

This was a further incentive in Educational Games For Kids as you can unlock a platinum for it, but it isn’t as easy as it first appears. Interestingly, while steaming through to unlock the trophies, I found myself repeating games. Why? Because they were a lot of fun and almost zen-like at times. Putting together a jigsaw or doing the 64-piece memory game was surprisingly enjoyable that the platinum was put on the backburner.

Have You Done Your Homework?

For my kids, this game was great, but unsurprisingly, it doesn’t win over Fortnite or Animal Crossing. The youngest, however, loves it at three years old and gets to play as a treat if she tidies up, and other parent blackmailing incentives.

From my perspective as a parent, I enjoy gaming, naturally, but I don’t want them playing games all the time. Educational Games for Kids can be played in short bursts, and in some ways, a nice supplement for arithmetic. 

On a personal note, someone who struggles with the latter, I liked to have a quick go on some of the games to reinforce a few patterns, so I don’t have to count on my fingers in public.

Educational Games For Kids - Maths Invaders
Maths invaders. Source: PR

It transpires that this game was more or less the work of one person, which is insane. It’s very thorough, true to its title of being educational, and ignoring the Editor’s Picks section on your tablet, a top educational title. I can’t put a score on educational content, but I will recommend that you pick this up – especially for younger children. And, considering you can get Educational Games For Kids for more or less any platform, with the Switch in development, there are no excuses.